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The Importance of Good Credit Later in Life


Retirement is a scary time for a person who has defined her usefulness by going to work and doing a job every day for forty-five years. In order to have enough money to live on for those retirement years, a person will have to unlock the power of saying “No” to a lot of things that might threaten the nest egg down the road.


Year-End Investment Decisions

From Stephen Clifford, Registered Investment Advisor Representative The Winfield Group - Scottsdale, Arizona


Year-end investment decisions may sometimes result in substantial tax savings. Tax planning may allow you to control the timing and method by which you report your income and claim your deductions and credits. The basic strategy for year-end planning is both to time your income so that it will be taxed at a lower rate, and to time your deductible expenses so that they may be claimed in years when you are in a higher tax bracket. In terms of investment planning, investing in capital assets may increase your ability to...


Choosing an Assisted-Living Facility

From Stephen Clifford, Registered Investment Advisor Representative The Winfield Group - Scottsdale, Arizona

What is an assisted-living facility? The wide number of options available makes defining the term difficult. Generally, however, assisted-living facilities primarily serve senior citizens who need more help than those who live in independent living communities.



Saving for the Future: Start Now or Start Later?

From Stephen Clifford, Registered Investment Advisor Representative The Winfield Group - Scottsdale, Arizona

There are many ways to try to reach a future goal. You can save now, or you can save later (or perhaps do both). But there is an advantage to putting your savings and earnings to work for you as early as possible.



Tips for Traveling Abroad

From Stephen Clifford, Registered Investment Advisor Representative The Winfield Group - Scottsdale, Arizona

For many people, there's perhaps nothing more exciting than traveling to a new country, experiencing different cultures, tasting exotic foods, and exploring unfamiliar landscapes. But before you take off on an international adventure, consider that a little preparation and a few precautions can help prevent a lot of unexpected headaches.


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