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Prepare for a Hot Summer with These Top Tricks


What time is it? Summertime! 

The warm weather of summer is, in the opinion of a great number of people, the very finest time of the year to spend time outside, whether they want to spend their time at the beach, at a ball game, in a park, or participating in any other sort of activity that takes place outside.


7 Car Tools and Accessories Luxury Vehicle Owners Need


Are you a luxury vehicle owner? No matter what type of vehicle you have, you’ll want to drive comfortably and safely. Therefore, you’ll want to invest in some extra things for your car and garage. But where to begin? Here are seven high-end car tools and accessories you need. 


How to Deal With the Rising Cost of Living


Most people are feeling the strain of the rising costs of living. Things such as groceries, gas for your car, oil to heat your house, and energy costs have all gone up over the past few months and there's no way to know if things will ever go back to "normal." With these rising costs, many individuals are having to take a close look at their spending habits to make adjustments. 


Benefits of Tesla for Performance Lovers


Tesla has a mixed reputation. It is by far the largest maker of electric vehicles. They are symbols of luxury in many ways but for performance car lovers, they fall flat. You can’t get that guttural sound you hear when you drive a muscle car, and you don’t have that feeling behind the wheel of a gas-powered performance vehicle. Still, Tesla makes some fast cars and they are inarguably better for the environment. With quite a few different benefits of their cars, below are some reasons to buy a Tesla if you are a skeptical lover of performance vehicles.


Planning the Perfect Small Wedding


Some couples opted for a small wedding in the past but not like today's trend. The trend is rising in popularity so much lately that it's got a few names, like micro or tiny weddings. The good thing about this popularity is that you can plan the perfect small wedding with a bit of help.

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