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Five Tasks Your Business Should Consider Outsourcing


Running a business is always hard work. There are a lot of moving parts. There are all kinds of things that you need to get done. Not only does the busy work take up time, it also distracts you from doing what you really need to be doing. If your job is to innovate, come up with new ideas, and put solutions to problems into practice, you shouldn’t be doing all basic operations. Of course, you want to...


Taking Newfound NFL Fandom To the Next Level


At first, you thought it was boring. What’s so great about a bunch of guys lining up on a field and plowing headfirst into each other?


How To Restore The Passion In Your Marriage


One of the ultimate “relationship goals” for any couple is to have a long, healthy, and happy marriage. However, what most aren’t aware of is that it requires intentional and consistent effort. Work, kids, and other outside obligations consume your time and energy, leaving little time to invest in your relationship. Consequently, the magic, spontaneity, passion, and intimacy fade, creating an awkward distance between you and your spouse. 


Trendsetter & Author Dave O. Dodge Reimagines ‘Peyton Place’ in New Book


It’s an understatement to say that Peyton Place is an iconic piece of American pop culture.


7 Easy Ways to Make Someone's Day


I am a huge fan of making other people's days. In fact, it's one of my favorite things to do! Whether it's a friend who needs cheering up or a total stranger, there are so many ways we can make someone feel better with just one small gesture. The good news is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money or time to do it either. Here are 7 easy ways to make someone else’s day.

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