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Bite Nite Moves to Virtual Format to Raise Money for ALS

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Bite Nite Moves to Virtual Format to Raise Money for ALS
Annual Foodie Event Brings Community Together to Support Association’s Arizona Chapter

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Arizona Virtual Team Hope Walk

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Hosted by the Arizona Chapter of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA)

WHAT: Team Hope is HDSA’s largest national grassroots fundraising event. Thousands of families, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and communities walk together each year to support HDSA's fight to improve the lives of people affected by HD and their...


Ignite Hope Walk Benefiting Phoenix Children's Hospital

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A valley-wide tradition, the annual Ignite Hope holiday candlelight walk is dedicated to bringing hope to patients and families battling illnesses during the holiday season. Whether at the hospital or at home, this meaningful event allows the community to come together in igniting the hope of all. The Ignite Hope ritual began at Phoenix Children’s when friends and families of 15-year-old Katie Wagner, a patient who was diagnosed with cancer, held a candlelight vigil outside her hospital window. In the spirit of...


Tips for Getting Fit and Staying Healthy


Now more than ever it’s important to get fit and stay healthy. Being even 10 to 15 pounds over your ideal weight can put you at risk for developing an illness. Thankfully, there are several ways to achieve your goals.

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