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Chapman BMW I-10

On March 1, 2009, Chapman BMW opened the doors to its long awaited new facility in Chandler; Chapman BMW I-10.



Hope for Ava

Most two-year-olds spend their days getting into the pots and pans and learning the terrible two’s and just what buttons to push to drive their parents nuts. Mike and Chrisie Holder would love that to be their daughter’s life right now, but instead Ava Holder, who just turned two in July, spends most of her time in and out of hospital beds, bravely battling neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer that mainly occurs in infancy.



Send Your Kids Back to School in Safety

Backpacks, pencils, notebooks… AWARENESS! As we prepare for our children to head back to school…have we prepared ourselves as parents to empower our children with the tools to keep them from becoming statistic?



Phoenix Rising: The Best Places to Live and Buy

Let’s face it: choosing where to live is a big choice. Combine everyday real estate confusion with a down economy and it can be difficult to make a buying, selling or staying-put decision. Read on for up-to-date information on what’s happening in today’s Valley real estate, and find out which area is best suited for you.


Things to Do This Labor Day Weekend

Finally, a day off of work! With times like these, it’s sometimes nice to simply stay in town and enjoy your city over a holiday break. For those of you taking this route, peruse through our Labor Day roundup on things to do in the Valley over this much-needed, long weekend.

labor day weekend

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