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New Technology for Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer

A Valley healthcare provider is a leading force in breast cancer research and early detection technology. 



JCL Miracles: Traumatic Crash Leads Peoria Mother into Spiritual Life

God had a bigger plan for Peoria mom Maria Valdez. She’s sure of it. She’s sure that’s why four years after her skull was crushed in a horrendous freeway crash, she’s surviving and thriving as a staff member for the Grand Canyon Chapter of the American Red Cross – where her work is helping others.



Dance Studio Aims to Get Students Healthy

Private lesson pic for page

In 2008, Ryan Keller and Travis Lansford started Dance Doctors, a dance studio that offers dance lessons while giving clients a great workout. “We wanted to make dancing available for pretty much anyone who needed it,” says Keller, who has been dancing professionally for eight years. “We offer group classes, and the lowest [price] range for private lessons in the Valley.” There...


Q&A: Yoga Instructor Jyoti Weaver of Yoga Illuminations

Valley yoga instructor Jyoti Weaver, of Yoga Illuminations in Scottsdale, talks everything yoga: from the benefits of personal well-being and different yogi techniques to common practice misconceptions, we asked away!



A Trending Cankle Cure: Liposuction

Take your pick when it comes to summertime body woes: cellulite, stomach flab, saggy buttocks and more. Now another, more discreet body condition has made its way to the forefront in the wake of the latest strappy summer sandal trends: cankles. Often the punchline of late-night comic's jokes, women who suffer from this condition aren't laughing. Ankle liposuction is rapidly gaining popularity in the Valley, not only making women’s legs look great and help them feel even better.


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