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Jamie Miller

Registered Dietitian at Village Health Clubs and Spas


While on the path to become a nurse, Jamie Miller witnessed an open-heart surgery and thought, “What if I would have helped this patient before he underwent such an invasive surgery?” “So I combined my love for cooking, health and my passion to help others to pursue a career in dietetics,” says Miller, a registered dietitian at Village Health Clubs and Spas. She says that while many people want to be healthy, it is easy to be confused by the false information and fads out there. “I love to simplify things for my clients so they feel confident how to nourish their bodies well but also enjoy everything they eat.” Miller also acknowledges that many have a negative relationship with food, which she has worked to reverse in her clients for the past six years. “I recently worked with a lady who coined herself a ‘chronic extreme dieter’ for the last 15 years. It was such a joy to teach her how to make food be delicious while still being healthy, and also show her we don’t need to starve ourselves to see the weight come off. She most importantly transformed her relationship with food, but also lost 10 pounds in just two months.”