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@jennburgess95 Jenn Burgess
Photographed by Cassandra Tomei


Jenn Burgess is a media relations consultant, former news anchor and currently training for the next half-marathon.
Followers: 2,802
Following: 1,494
Number of Tweets: 6,228

What is your all-time favorite Tweet?
Ooh! Great question. Hmm. Can I tell my favorite Twitter experience instead? That would be meeting the people behind the Tweets. For example: I started following David Leibowitz (@leiboaz) last year. I always wondered who the guy was behind the snarky and timely Tweets. (I know, I know. He’s the guy on 3TV giving the crazy commentary.) We met earlier this year over lunch. He’s every bit like his Tweets: #hilarious and #ingenious. Which leads to my next answer…

Favorite person to follow?
Gosh, I have many favorites for many reasons: @leiboaz because (to be honest) he Tweets the things I (sometimes) think, but my mom raised me better than to say them out loud. I also enjoy @lafinguy because he keeps me on my toes when it comes to political sparring. @Heritage for the content.

Why did you start Tweeting?
When I was anchoring, my news director sent an email that said, ‘Do you Tweet? Would you like to learn how?’ Who’s going to say no when it comes from your boss? It ended up being a great tool! #FTW! (for the win!)

Where do you Tweet from?
I Tweet incessantly. Walking and Tweeting is difficult, but I do it. I’ve also Tweeted numerous times right before take-off on a plane, and in church. Sinner. I know.

What subjects do you never Tweet about?
My dates, and some of the lines that have been used. I just couldn’t do that. Although, I’m sure it would provide some folks with a good LOL.

What Tweet has garnered the most response?
I can’t remember. I think it might have been when I got back on Twitter after leaving the news. The response was awesome. It was so kind of everyone to say ‘welcome back’ or ‘we miss you.’ Valley Tweeps have been so kind to me over the years.

Strangest place you've Tweeted from?
Ahmedabad, India. That’s probably also the most expensive Tweet, too. International charges are insane.

How do you choose who you follow?
If I laugh at something they say, agree with their philosophy, am challenged by their thoughts, know them personally, or find their Tweets interesting and worth my while, then I’ll #follow.

iPhone or BlackBerry?
I dream of the iPhone. My reality is an evil BlackBerry. #fail.