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@iamchanelle Chanelle Richardson

Chanelle Richardson is a Valley-based photographer, musician and self-proclaimed foodie.
Followers: 1,200
Following: 504
Number of Tweets: 14,942

Favorite Tweet?
Oh goodness, it’s impossible to narrow down to one favorite. As for my own Tweets, I’ll admit I kind of crack myself up whenever I Tweet something that involves ‘thud.’ Usually because it's true; I am a klutz.

Favorite person to follow?
I dig everyone I follow for very different reasons – each one makes me laugh, inspires me to grow in my music, my photography, in life and all in uniquely different ways. I will say @gaggingtowards keeps food and life real and cracks me up all the time. @lostart inspires me with quotes and photography- and art-related links. And @cpinck is just so darn funny.

Why did you start Tweeting?
A couple years ago, a good friend brought me along to a local coffee Tweet-up. I had no idea at the time what this ‘Twitter’ thing was, and why we were going to hang out with a bunch of strangers at this thing called a ‘Tweet-up.’ There, I met and connected with a small group of the nicest, funniest people, who all encouraged me to join in on the awesomeness that is Twitter. I could sense an amazing community and wanted to be a part of it all. I’m so glad I did. Life has never been the same. Sniff.

Where do you Tweet from?
Everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. I draw the line at the bathroom.

What do you never Tweet about?

What Tweet has garnered the most response?
Probably most of my food Tweets. I Tweet a lot of food photography, recipes or whatever I am eating at the moment. That tends to make people hungry. People are kind of cranky when they're hungry, by the way.

Strangest place you've Tweeted from?
Hmmm, I don't think I have Tweeted from any strange places. I tend to avoid those, you know, on account of them being so strange.

How do you choose who you follow?

If I have a connection with that person, or share a similar interest or if they are just funny or inspirational. I like to connect, share, have fun and interact; that is the beauty of Twitter. For the most part, I like to keep it as personal as possible.

iPhone or BlackBerry?
Yes, please! Oh wait—I do not have either. An iPhone is going in my letter to Santa this year. Yes, I believe in Santa.