Meet Three Xavier College Prep Seniors catches up with three of Xavier College Preparatory’ s finest new grads.
American Idol Winner Phillip Phillips
One year ago, Phillip Phillips was named the season 11 winner of “American Idol.” Since then, his first single, “Home,” has hit the top of the charts and was the soundtrack of the Summer Olympics as well as countless commercials and TV promos. When Phillips headlined the 11th Annual Lighting of America’s Tallest Fresh-Cut Christmas Tree at the Outlets at Anthem this winter, AFM sat down with the 22-year-old Georgia native.
Q & A with Patrick Peterson of the Arizona Cardinals
Aside from setting records his rookie season with most punt return yards, most punt returns, and making the All-Pro first team for defense, in just a short amount of time Patrick Peterson has become an impact player for the Cardinals defense. And his journey is just getting started.
Plynn Photography
Q & A with Nick Eason of the Arizona Cardinals
With experience and leadership on his side, Nick Eason has become a strong link for the Arizona Cardinals. Not only does he use past experience to become a better person and player, he uses them to motivate others. Here, he talks about his foundation, his hopes for the coming football season and the Cardinals’ new coach.
James Beard Nominee: Sam Fox