HomeFeaturesOn the Scene with Nadine › Famed Love Doc and Author Visits the Valley

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


He holds a handful of secrets when it comes to successful relationships.  Now, the famed author is sharing his juicy love tips with Valley residents.

He’s the man claiming men and women are as different as being from different planets; do you beg to differ?

His 1992 book “Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” sold more than 50 million copies, and his 30+ years as a therapist has gained him quite a title: the leading relationship expert in the world.

His expertise continues to gain him stardom.  The Northern California doctor has been on “Oprah,” “The Today Show,” “The CBS Early Show,” “Good Morning America,” and “The View,” among many other television programs; and now…he’s coming to the Valley.

Yes, if you’re a guy or gal struggling with love, you’re in luck.  All you have to do is head to the Scottsdale Anti-Aging, Wellness & Yoga Festival April 29th-May 1st, 2011.

Dr. John Gray will be the keynote speaker 10am Saturday, April 30th discussing how to shift behavior to stimulate the hormones of desire and love. But of course, we got a pre-festival scoop from the doc.

“Hormones play a big role in happy, healthy couples.  Once we determine how they factor in, we can figure out how to effectively improve our relationship,” said Dr. John Gray, famed author and master of all things love.

His 2010 book, “Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice,” is a follow up to his former best-seller, explaining how relationships have changed over the past 20 years.  He (unfortunately) says things have gone downhill—couples are clearly more stressed, and there’s evidence to prove it.  Nearly 25% more people are not getting married, and 50% of marriages result in divorce; however, there’s good news.  Stress levels might be on the rise, but there’s a way to fight it, thanks to the doc’s savvy insight.

He says the first rule of thumb is to stop looking at your partner like something is wrong with them.  It’s essential to understand men and women have different reactions and coping mechanisms when it comes to stress.

Let’s start with women.

We lovely ladies rely on the hormone oxytocin to lower our stress levels.  Take some notes guys; Dr. Gray says the chemical is produced when there’s affection, so you might want to consider upping passion--touch her, give compliments, and do those little gestures you did when you dated to make her feel important.

In return, girls gotta give up the notion of perfection.

According to Dr. Gray, women try to do it all 24/7—and that tends to take a toll on her ability to relax.   Females are wired to expect too much, often assuming if a man loves her, he’ll be as attentive as he was during the blissful beginning of their relationship.

Dr. Gray says it’s time for ladies to let that go; instead, pursue positive communication and create new romantic skills…and luckily, this can work in a couple’s favor.  Dr. Gray insists when done right, things really do get better with time. (FYI, he’s been married more than 20 years!)

And all that female pressure takes a toll on guys.