HomeFeaturesOn the Scene with Nadine › Famed Love Doc and Author Visits the Valley - Page Two
Dr. Gray says men become disappointed because women seem disappointed with them (expecting too much)!  He says guys claim girls think it’s simply never good enough, so men naturally lose motivation to do more.

This is when women need to understand the genetic make-up of their beloved male counterpart.

Consider this: Dr. Gray says men must make 30 times MORE testosterone than women, and testosterone is the stress-relieving hormone in guys. That’s why men are often drawn to activities that either rebuild or release it.  (So next time your guy is chilling on the couch—let him be!  Dr. Gray says relaxation is a natural way to rebuild testosterone.)

By truly understanding the metaphor behind men being from Mars and women, from Venus, we have the ability to honor our differences and create the happily ever after we all undoubtedly want.

Of course, you can hear more from the doctor at the Scottsdale Anti-Aging, Wellness & Yoga Festival.



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