Photo by Michael Williams
Dr. Marc Malek
With extensive training from prestigious programs, a desire to give back and a dedication to helping patients enjoy improved bodies through precise results, Dr. Malek has built one of the best reputations in plastic surgery. The Scottsdale-based award-winning surgeon’s motto of “treat every patient like your own family member” ensures a patient’s trust and a tasteful, natural outcome.
What prompted your start in plastic surgery?
As a child, art was a passion. But by the age of 9, I was aware of my fascination with science. I became drawn to plastic surgery through a family friend as it intertwined both of my natural interests.
What is the most rewarding part of your career?
The most rewarding part of my career is the gratitude that I receive when helping others. The responsibility is so ominous, and I treat it with such care and attention.
What are the biggest challenges you face working in your field?
The challenges in my field tend to stem from the financial temptations that are at times seemingly too great for some surgeons to resist. Ill-advised procedures that are requested by some patients are too often performed, leading to both short- and long-term problems. I perform a vast number of corrective procedures on such patients who may not have been guided appropriately in their past. I have spent my life adhering to ethical principles that carried me through many years of schooling with an unwavering dedication to my patients. I always insist on identifying a clear need for a procedure that is done in both good health and good taste prior to offering it to a patient. My belief of “treat every patient like your own family member” has earned a reputation of genuine trust throughout the Scottsdale/Phoenix community, as well as regionally.
Are there certain advancements in your field that you are most excited about?
I have devised procedures that are specific for breast rejuvenation which is a substantial portion of my practice. They include internal suspension lifts for loose tissue as well as pocket re-contouring in revision breast implant surgery.
Is there a patient story that you are most proud of?
One of my most rewarding patient stories is a young lady who severed her left hand with a ceramic saw. I successfully reattached her hand, repairing bones, arteries, veins, nerves and tendons. She had a full restoration of normal function. Her life was so back to normal that she went on to ask me for a mommy makeover and facial cosmetic surgery. It is incredibly rewarding to know that rather than living the rest of her life in an impaired state, I had restored her life to such a normality that she was interested in cosmetic procedures.
What influence do you hope to have on the Valley?
My continued influence on the Valley is to be a genuine advocate to those who seek my help. The wish to guide my patients upon the most rewarding yet safe path yielding outcomes that are tasteful and natural. To always remember that I am still practicing safe medicine while I am performing aesthetic surgery.
In what ways do you give back to the community?
Over my 18 years practicing in the Valley, I have hosted numerous in-office events with each of those sponsoring a particular charity or organization. I believe that giving back is truly the greatest reward to ourselves and is the best part of being human.