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Gina Murphy-Darling

Interview by Vanja Veric and Ashley Loose

Gina Murphy-Darling, or as you may know her, Mrs. Green, is reaching out to people everywhere to spread the important message of living an eco-friendly life. She utilizes her time supporting the local community and nurturing her radio show and Web site, www.mrsgreensworld.com. Murphy-Darling has dedicated her life to improving the planet and offering simple tips to make the world a better place.

Can you tell me a little more about your philanthropic motivations? Why did you start Mrs. Green's World?

My parents always taught us that no matter how much or how little you have, you have to give back. I feel so very blessed to have the life that I do and giving back as a way of showing my gratitude brings my family and me great joy. I started Mrs. Green’s World because the planet needs a really good spokesperson. I felt that it was essential to start giving mainstream people like myself ways to take small steps in changing their behavior and collectively make a big impact on the planet.
How did you become so involved with the green movement?

I started reading so much about toxins in our home, toxins in our cosmetics, massive plastic bag and water bottle consumption, water shortages in the world, lack of access to clean water for 1.5 billion people, how much at risk our oceans are, climate change, rising cancer rates, rising autism rates and contaminated food sources and it was making me crazy. I had to figure out what I could do to make my home safer, our food choices healthier, and our carbon footprint smaller so that I could then help other people to do the same.

What has been the most rewarding part of being Mrs. Green?

Without a doubt the people I have met, the things I have learned and the changes in people’s behaviors that they continue to share with me. I care passionately about my message. When it lands, when people get it and make changes, it makes it all worthwhile.
What are some of your favorite parts of Tucson?

One of my favorite places is downtown. It is coming alive; there are great restaurants, the Children’s Museum, the Tucson Museum of Art and Arizona Theatre Company. I finally have hope. I also love the many amazing treasures we have in our city that most cities don’t – Sabino Canyon, Tohono Chul Park, our amazing Reid Park Zoo, the Desert Museum, Agua Caliente Park and Mt. Lemmon. There are lots of places to take your family – some for free, some for a fee, but there are lots of choices and ways to spend time out in nature even though we live in the city.
If you had unlimited resources, what would you do to better the Tucson community?

I would help with the development of downtown. I believe it is vital for any healthy city to have a vibrant, alive, culturally diverse and culturally rich, attractive downtown where it’s easy to get to from anywhere you live in the city and where there are fun things to do.
Who would you say is your female role model? And, if you can, can you provide a favorite quote from her?

I have many female role models but one of my favorite is Marianne Williamson. The quote is a long one – but so worth sharing and read and re-reading because, after all, who are we to play small? It’s not what God intended. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
How has all of your work as Mrs. Green influenced your family?

We have all helped each other greatly. We don’t use plastic bags or bottles, we buy much of our produce from the local farmers’ markets; we use far less water; have had all of our toilets changed to high-efficiency toilets; we purchase blocks of community solar power from Tucson Electric Power Company; we eat far less meat, we dine only in locally owned restaurants and support locally owned businesses whenever we can; we carpool for social events; we eat much healthier; and use far less energy in our home. So many, many changes.

What role do your children and husband play in all of your endeavors?

My husband is extremely supportive. He is not only the board operator for my radio shows, but he makes my life work in many other ways. He has adopted the sustainable lifestyle in so many ways and has truly embraced it. My three daughters and my two grandchildren are huge supporters of my role as Mrs. Green. My daughters listen to my show, subscribe to my newsletters, tweet about me, put Facebook posts up and just overall believe in the importance of my message and the power of my dreams. I am truly blessed.