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Dr. Jody Comstock

Interview by Ashley Pearlstein

As a successful and experienced dermatologist, a Tucson business owner, and mother of four, Jody Comstock is the definition of a busy body. Comstock loves helping patients, bettering the Tucson community, and her family. Comstock, founder and owner of Skin Spectrum, is a blessing to all Tucsonans who wish to better their skin.

What exactly does your job entail?
I am the founder and owner of Skin Spectrum. My job entails excellence in cosmetics and procedural dermatology and supervising, leading, and training our staff of 30. I run the entire business of Skin Spectrum and I also train doctors all over the United States as my own personal work and I am a consultant and an advisor for many of the pharmaceutical and laser companies.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My patients!

What types of things do you do for women in your office?
We make them love their skin. We help them to have healthier skin and enhance their appearance. We do corrective work and creative work.

What is your relationship with KVOA News 4?
For almost six years we have been their dermatology advisors, or educators. Twice a month for the last six years, we make appearances. My partner, Dr. Tina Pai, now does some of those. We talk about a lot of medical problems such as acne or skin cancer, and we talk about safety. We talk about things like tattoo removal and skin cancer treatments, to fun things like melting away fat, having a fuller natural lip, creating cheek bones, etc.

What are some recommendations you have for women who wish to better their skin?
I would say to prioritize taking care of your skin. It’s the largest organ and it is much better to prevent problems and be proactive than it is to treat and correct problems. With everyone living into their hundreds now, you’ve got a long time to watch your skin. Also, buyer beware- there’s a lot of crazy things out there.

What are some of your favorite hobbies or things to do outside of work?
I love being with my family. I love cooking. I like to exercise, and also reading. And I love homes; I love building and decorating homes.

What is a favorite place around Tucson of yours?
I love La Encantada and I love many delicious Tucson restaurants. I love eating out, that’s another hobby. Mostly I love just enjoying the beauty of the city.

Describe your family. Do you have any pets?
I have my husband. I have been married 31 years, our first date was 40 years ago, and we grew up together. He is an anti-aging physician. We have four children, between the ages 20 and 28. Jaime is our oldest daughter and she is married to Mike Wystrach who owns a restaurant called The Steak-Out. Our second child, Carter, is 25 and is in business in Dallas. Our third child, Kelly, is 21 and lives in Chicago and is applying for PA school. Our youngest son, Tyler, is 20 and is finishing up sophomore year at the UA. We Our son Carter mailed us a puppy named Hailey because he thought we would be lonely without children and we adore her, she is the love of our lives!

Describe a woman who inspires you and why.
I love Oprah, I do! I look at Oprah who has really tried to do honest journalism and educate people and I think she has made a big difference in people’s lives. I think she has encouraged people to read. I think she has helped people solve some personal issues that they’ve had; she has educated people from medical to personal growth. She has gotten to talk to many different people across the world and she has been able to change the world.