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Liz McCusker

Interview by Ashley Pearlstein

Liz McCusker, an avid community enthusiast and devoted mother, lives for the children and families of Tucson. As Executive Director of Tu Nidito Children and Family Services, McCusker has made it her life’s work to ensure that all Tucson children live a happy and healthy life.

Describe your job at Tu Nidito Children and Family Services.
I am the Executive Director and we are a really small staff so I wear many hats. I am in charge of the operations of the agency, reporting to a board of directors. We do a lot of fundraising, we have over 300 volunteers, we have support specialists who are doing work with the kids, and I help to oversee all of that.

What does Tu Nidito Children and Family Services do?
We provide individual and group support to children who are impacted either by a serious medical condition or death of a loved one.

What is your favorite part of your job?
It depends on what day it is [she laughs]. When it is all said and done, the difference we are making in kids is the best part. We have gone from serving 12 families a year to almost 700 families a year now and there is nobody who does exactly what we do in Tucson. Keeping it thriving has been a great accomplishment.  

What are some of your favorite hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to travel to anywhere that has a beach, ski, golf and go to the movies.

Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?
Anywhere that has a beach [laughs]. No, probably the Cayman Islands.  

What is your favorite movie?
I like The Doors with Val Kilmer and I also like Shawshank Redemption. We [her and husband] are the type that likes to go see whatever is new though, also.

What is a favorite place for you in Tucson?
Probably Fox Tucson Theatre. We love to go there.

Are you involved with any other Tucson organizations or groups?
I am involved in MOCA: Museum of Contemporary Art, the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona, and the National Association of Professional Women. I volunteer with all of them.

Describe your family. Do you have any pets?
I have been married for 27 years to my husband, Fletcher. We have one son , Tyler, who is 23 and a disc jockey in palm springs so I love to travel to Palm Springs to see him. We have one dog named Iggy Pop; you probably don’t know who that is. Google him, he is a rocker.

Describe a woman who inspires you and why.
The first thing that is coming to my mind are the mothers of the kids who we work with here and how they can remain so positive with all the crises that are going on in their lives. Whenever I have a problem, I think, my gosh, you’ve got nothing to complain about.