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Jessica Northey

Interview by Lauren Featherstone

Known for her “sass, wit and straight from the hip” style, Blogger/SocialPR Consultant Jessica Northey has a network of more than 400,000 followers and she is consistently ranked as an influential online personality, even recognized by Huffington Post as a Twitter Powerhouse.  After 15-plus years in traditional media experience, she founded Digital Media Firm, FingerCandyMedia.com, and specializes in coaching clients on how to use social media and social networking when they arethe brand. In May 2011, Northey created #CMchat (Country Music Chat) on Twitter, an open source format where country music enthusiasts tweet, discuss and share industry topics including music, news and info by using and following the #CMchat hashtag; every Monday there is Industry Celebrity Guest Q&A from 8-9 p.m.central time. #CMchat has become one of the largest organized 24/7 hashtag(#) communities on Twitter generating more 20 million impressions per week.

When did you first realize social media was the right path for you?

I have always worked in media, and social media is just an extension of that. I keep it really simple. I try to do the right thing, help clients and live the advice I give others. Seems to be working so far.  

What do you think will be the next big social media tool?

 I think that the biggest trend I see in social [media] is now very visual like Pinterest and Instagram. Even on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, I notice people seem to respond more to photos these days for myself, friends and clients.  

You are a Tucson native, but now that you are a local and national social media icon, why did you decide to stay in Tucson?

I was set to move to Nashville last year and spent over four months there and over a month so far this year. However, I experienced my first tornado; it really scared me and made 100-plus degree weather in the summer perfectly tolerable. Also, if I am being completely honest, it's my dog, Sissy. I just feel more comfortable leaving her with my mom when I can't take her places that I travel.

What's your favorite place in Tucson?

I really love Mt. Lemmon, Sabino Canyon, Gates Pass and Old Tucson equally.

How are you involved in your community?

I try to jump in, and help when and where, I probably do more nationally and globally. But, I am a cause-aholic. I am drawn to helping charities, nonprofits, lost/found animals, starving artists, missing children, storm warnings; whether by a tweet, a post, donating, helping causes with some social media optimization, whatever I can do, I just feel drawn to being of service.

What are your charitable motivations?

My heart, I guess. I don't know what is it that compels to always want to help others. I have been this way since I was a kid. Giving away my stuff to other people, standing up for people who couldn't stand up for themselves. I am a very empathetic passionate person, and always feel the need to reach out and help others. No matter how much I do, I always wish I could do more.  

What does it mean to you to be a prominent community activist?

I don't know how prominent I am, but it has become clear to me that even if I can't change the world I can help change one person's world here and there.  I have a big heart and it constantly leads me and never really gives me much of a choice.  

What great women inspire you?

I am inspired by so many! To name a few and for a million different reasons: Mother Teresa, Gabby Giffords, Rachel Campos-Duffy, Valerie Geller, Carrie Wilkerson, Ann Tran, Amy Howell, Kimberly Clements, Miranda Lambert, Amy Jo Martin, Mary Sarah Gross, Melissa Stewart, Amanda Hite, Marsha Collier, Shira Lazar, Sarah Austin, Morgan Fairchild. I really could keep going.  

Is there a specific quote from one of the women who inspires you?

Valerie Geller, a very successful broadcasting consultant, one of the most influential women in radio and author always says: "Tell the truth, make it matter, and never be boring!" I agree!

Do you have a specific quote or mantra you live by?

"If it don't apply; let it fly" and "Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty, but the pig likes it."