Wardrobes for Wee Ones: Kid’s Stores in Metro Phoenix
For some parents in the Valley, it will soon be time to send the kids back to school. Moms and dads need not worry this fall when it comes to finding some of the best places for fashionable garb and gear for their little ones: we’ve got it covered.
Back to School Cool!
Shopping List- Give Summer The Boot!
Sell Gold for Cash Here in Arizona
You may have seen the recent flux of advertisements in the local newspapers from E.D. Marshall Jewelers urging people to sell their old jewelry or gold for cash. This is because gold prices are at an all time high, meaning sellers will make more than before, and also meaning that Edmund Marshall is on a buying spree, something he has done many times in the past 38 years as gold prices ebb and flow with the market changes.
Freshen Up—Staying Refreshed in the Summer Heat
Beauty Editor Diane Aiello finds the loot to keep you refreshed in the summer heat wave.