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Publisher's Letter

Michael Dee's Message: Women Who Move the Valley

Women are the back bone of our country. This month, we have carefully selected 10 who you will want to meet in our 3rd annual Women that Move the Valley issue!

Michael Dee's Message: Happy Holidays!

Each and every year, Arizona Foothills Magazine gives back to our community. This year has been tougher than years past, which means we need to make an even bigger effort.


n. pl. lux•u•ries

1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundings: lives in luxury.

in the past these descriptions were standard, but now, there no longer seems to be one set-in-stone definition to determine what luxury is. No longer can something be considered luxury just based on cost and desire.

I asked many people about their definition of luxury and everyone seemed to have similar answers. First, responses included things like a special dress, piece of jewelry, vacation or maybe that overpriced automobile. Then, when asked to really think about it, the answer frequently...


A morning with Dr. Diethrich can save your life!

Every day i hear that people are more stressed than ever; family, friends and clients everywhere. This past year I have seen and experienced it myself. I have seen close friends pass away and more friends being rushed to the emergency room, thinking they may be having a heart attack too. It’s been happening to people as young as their 20’s. The world has changed and people are working more hours for less dollars, and I’m seeing their lives being affected first hand. There is just about nobody out there that doesn’t know someone who has lost a job, taken a salary cut or taken furlough days. It is a fact that we are all dealing with, but it can cause enormous amounts of stress.

Just Google It

When school started in august, my 7-year-old son came to me with a very funny question: “Dad, did they have Google when you were young?” I replied, “Of course not. Google is only about 10 years old.” Then he goes on to ask, “Why do we need school if we can Google everything?”
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