HomeFeaturesPublisher's Letter › lux•u•ry
n. pl. lux•u•ries

1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundings: lives in luxury.

in the past these descriptions were standard, but now, there no longer seems to be one set-in-stone definition to determine what luxury is. No longer can something be considered luxury just based on cost and desire.

I asked many people about their definition of luxury and everyone seemed to have similar answers. First, responses included things like a special dress, piece of jewelry, vacation or maybe that overpriced automobile. Then, when asked to really think about it, the answer frequently became: doing things that bring enjoyment to yourself and others while spending time with the ones we love the most. 

This time of year we find ourselves extremely busy, going from one event to another and another…and another. Sometimes, we have to leave behind the ones we love most—our family or partners. These time commitments are a challenge for many of us and I have experienced this first hand: being asked to attend a great event and wanting to please people by saying yes.

We have solved this dilemma. 

We are excited to report that AZFoothills.com has been working so hard on our Web site, so that you can spend more time with your family this season. Instead of attending the event, see what people wore (or should not have worn) at the hottest events this season, from the comfort of your home. You do not have to be at all the parties,―AZFoothills.com will be there for you! We’ll take you inside new events each and every day with brand new updates and photos on our Web site.

  Before attending any event, you’ll want to know what to wear and we have that covered in the AFM Style Files blog, updated daily. Need times and locations of events? We also have detailed calendar info on AZFoothills.com.

I want to personally say thank you for the support given to me and my staff during this very challenging year. The feedback on the new look of the magazine has been terrific and we promise to be the best in the Valley, each and every day.

Now here is my definition of luxury: Spending time doing what you really want to do, with who you really want to be with; being healthy and happy.

All the best!  Live life as if it were your last day!

-Michael S. Dee
President and Publisher

Michael Dee