HomeFeaturesOn the Scene with Nadine › How to be a Good Girlfriend...and Boyfriend

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.”  Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots.  She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Are you a "good" girlfriend?  Three simple questions will determine the truth.

Question #1: When your boyfriend doesn’t pick up the phone, do you call him over and over and over again until he answers?


Question #2: Do you get angry when your man wants a “guys only” night?

Question #3: Do you find yourself checking your boy’s text messages, phone calls, e-mails, and Facebook posts habitually?

Well, if you answered an honest “yes” to all three questions, you have problems.

Ok, perhaps that was a little harsh, but when it comes to relationships, maybe we need a slap in the face once in a while.

Men and women are clearly wired different; that’s obvious in every way.  Ladies--that’s why we love those men we can’t live without, and guys--that’s why you ultimately pop the question.

But before any “I dos,” you form a solid foundation--planning for the future.  That’s the serious boyfriend-girlfriend stage, and when you have a good thing going, you truly need to rid yourself of muddy past experiences.

So how do you maintain your true self, leaving all the baggage behind?

I had a chat with Kelly Collins, a Scottsdale Dating Coach.  (www.mydatingcoach.net) She said a genuine relationship unfolds naturally free from pressure; however, there are key tips to keeping a couple happy and healthy.  That’s why we’re defining what makes a girlfriend and boyfriend “good.”

We started our convo discussing the “good girlfriend,” someone Collins describes as supportive and understanding of the differences between men and women.

Her initial rule of thumb: have the desire to make your man know they’re cared about, and fulfill it.  Collins says men need to feel needed.

“You can’t be a good girlfriend and say, ‘I don’t need a man,’” said Collins.

Next, remember all solid relationships are based on trust, so leave the jealousy on the doorstep.  In other words, CHILL OUT.  Respect his privacy--put his cell phone down and avoid uncontrollable fingers checking his texts.

“A good girlfriend doesn’t go there.  That’s so destructive.”

Enough said.

In addition, admit it: he gives you your girl time, so honor your man’s guy time.  In fact, support it, and reinforce the importance of boys-only nights out.  (And while he’s enjoying a few beers with the boys, stop by Victoria’s Secret for a little something special--it will give him a reason to head home early.)