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Collins’ third tip: realize everything isn’t always 50-50.  Quit keeping track of all those little things you do for him…trust me--he does a lot more for you than you most likely give him credit for.  And speaking of credit, be sure to give him credit when credit is due.  Acknowledge his kindness--who wouldn’t want to feel appreciated?


Here‘s another bit of advice: stop being such a needy baby.  Collins says us ladies need to understand guys work on their own time-clock, not ours.

“A guy can wait a while to call you and it’s nothing to him, but to women, we assume something is wrong.”

Next: realize perfection isn’t possible, as perfect as you may think you are.  Everyone messes up, so cut him a little slack.  You’re not his mother, so don’t scream at him every time he pisses you off.

Ok, moving on…

Now it’s time to pass this article onto your man, because Collins is talking what makes a “good boyfriend.”

“A good boyfriend is someone who is attentive to her needs.  He understands she needs reassurance that she’s important to him.”

Ahhhh, reassurance--something us gals can’t seem to live without.  Guys, it’s as simple as black and white: just tell her you love her and you’re not going anywhere.  There’s just something in our girly blood that wants to be reminded of that.

Another tip for all you good boyfriends out there:  send us a text here and there that you’re thinking of us…it will make any good girlfriend smile.

And Collins is being just as tough on the guys as she was on the girls.  She says boyfriends need to stop eye-balling other babes when he’s in the company of his lovely lady.

Finally, Collins says a good boyfriend needs to show evident effort.  That means sacrificing time, understanding she has boundaries, etc.  All the kindness and understanding will pay off in the long-run.

Some other tips for both men and women include being honest, having a positive attitude, taking an interest in one another’s interests, and kicking it up in the bedroom.  Yes, don’t fear being a little seductive and sexy.  Men find alluring confidence irresistible, and women savor physical touch.


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