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It seems the stars get better-looking with age; and this is downright, no fair.
But what if I told you there’s a recipe for aging gracefully like a supermodel?
The April issue of Allure Magazine is sharing superstar’s secrets to maintaining their good looks and positive outlooks on life; however, they’re not asking young, fresh starlets. Instead, the celebs spilling their beauty tips are all over 45-years old, like Brook Shields.Shields among other “older” models listed their top ten age-fighting strategies.
They include: staying fit, wearing less make-up, eating right, protecting your skin, banishing grays, taking care of yourself, trying new workouts, sticking to basic skincare, keeping an open mind, and mixing it up.
Knowing this, we decided to take these tips a step further, getting the sophisticated scoop from Scottsdale Dietitian, Andrea Conner.
“There is definitely a way to slow down the aging process,” said Andrea Conner, Registered Dietitian.
Ladies, let’s all agree—that’s music to our ears.
Conner runs the Valley’s Well Body Nutrition and Fitness, focusing on weight management and wellness. She says we can forego aging fast; rather proving to the world age is only a growing number—that is, if we follow four simple steps.
Tip #1: Quit lighting up.
Conner says smoking isn’t only bad for your health; it’s problematic to your looks. Yep, cigarettes equal wrinkles, yellow teeth, and bad breath. On a more serious note, nicotine raises your heart rate and blood pressure, making it one of the main causes of death every year.
Tip #2: Practice a plant-based diet.
Get this—Conner says vegetarians average living a year or two longer than those who eat meat. (So you might want to pass on that succulent steak.)
The dietician suggests literally going green—eating leafy veggies and fruits. And speaking of fruits, grow to love berries. Conner says antioxidant-rich foods decrease the aging process.
Avoid the obvious like saturated sweets; instead, opting for salmon, walnuts, and spices like cinnamon.
Here’s a star-studded secret—snack on carrots. Conner says those who up the Vitamin A-ante tend to sport sexy, glowing skin.