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On the Scene with Nadine

Halloween Candy: The Unfortunate Truth

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Caution: after reading this you’ll likely be tempted to bid farewell to trick-or-treating.



Men and Plastic Surgery: The Stats

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


It's not just for ladies; in fact, the numbers are in and more men are hopping on the surgical bandwagon.  Check out what procedures guys like best...


Your Scary Movie Hot-List

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


It's time to get freaky...in front of the TV screen.  In honor of Halloween, we're listing some of the scariest movies of all time.  Check it out...



Things All Women Must-Do

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


I know, I know...there are only so many hours in a day.  However, here's what all women must make routine; the things that will keep her happy.

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