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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


I know, I know...there are only so many hours in a day.  However, here's what all women must make routine; the things that will keep her happy.

Yesterday I realized the fiancé and I are “booked” for (at least) the next month.  This morning it dawned on me we’re in the last week of October—next week holiday season 2012 officially kicks off.  And in the midst of personal plans (weddings, celebrations, dinners, events, trips, etc), we have every-day life to deal with; work, errands, housework, walking the dog, etc. 

That got me thinking: where does the time go, and what are the things we should make sure to squeeze into our hectic lives?  So of course, I went to the web, scouring what “the experts” say us women should make a priority. 

And the first, is sex.

Whether you’re single and on the prowl, or living in marital bliss, therapist and author Karen Ruskin, PhD says getting physical should be on all our agendas.  She suggests making time for doing the deed—there’s nothing wrong with scheduling a quickie during the day.

Next, all lovely ladies need to honor their gal pals.  Yep, many “experts” say girl-time is much needed.  Going to your female BFF is a good way to prevent yourself from completely relying on your male counterpart for support—trust me, there are tons of stuff he would rather you tell her.  It’s not a bad idea to schedule a monthly meeting with the girls, whether it be happy hour, hiking, or a fulfilling day shopping at Fashion Square.

And while this one doesn’t apply to all of us, many psychologists say it’s important to spend one-on-one time with each of your kids.  When it’s just you and your mini-you, you two tend to form a closer bond and you’re more likely to remain in the loop of things. 

On the flip-side, give yourself some personal QT.  Yep, being alone is the next thing all us women should learn to embrace.  Solo time is a must-do—it’s a great way to clear your head and sit in silence.  Of course, this can be a tough one considering crazy schedules, but a simple 10-minute meditation session is a great way to quite your mind.

Next, it’s suggested all fabulous females get in touch with their inner-creator; yep, get those artsy juices flowing!  Pursuing your individual interests easily makes you a happier person; therefore, a better wife, mom, friend, and worker.  And this goes hand-in-hand with our next must-do: learning something new.  Stimulating your brain is a great way to feel empowered, ambitious, and independent.  Consider trying something you’ve always wanted to do…there’s nothing wrong with getting a head start on checking things off your bucket list.

And here’s one all my morning news colleagues can agree on—would be nice if we could make sleep a priority, right?!  According to a number of experts, sleep is essential for your mind, body, soul, and good health…in other words, solid shut-eye affects everything.  It’s suggested you give yourself permission to indulge in day-time naps.

Next, get fulfilled through volunteering—many feel they get more from it than what they give.  In fact, research shows volunteering helps us feel happier…it keeps life in perspective.  This is something you can do on your own, with your spouse, with your family, or a handful of girlfriends—you’ll totally reap the benefits putting forth TLC into something you feel passionate about. 

Last, but surely not least…exercise.  Yep, this one’s a non-negotiable.  We all know looking good aids in feeling good; plus, working out takes a positive toll on your emotional sanity.  Whether it be a brisk morning walk or an hour-long Zumba class, we should all make exercise a priority. 

rsz nadine
