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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


It's time to get freaky...in front of the TV screen.  In honor of Halloween, we're listing some of the scariest movies of all time.  Check it out...


As a kid, my sisters would torment me wearing a plastic tiger mask that simply scared me half-to-death.  And truth be told, not much has changed when it comes to my fearful ways.  Thanks to every movie channel running freaky October flicks, just the other night the fiancé lured me to watch one of the many “Halloween” movies against my will.  Frankly, I had trouble falling asleep.

However, if you get high off being scared, this top-ten list is sure to give you the ultimate chills.  Yep, in honor of Halloween, I’ve scoured the web, finding the movies many find the most frightening.

First, Psycho—have you seen it?  Well, in 1960, Alfred Hitchcock debuted the film known for the infamous shower scene.  Most of the scary stuff is up to the viewer’s imagination, leaving minds like mine assuming the worst.  In a nutshell, a runaway thief checks into a creepy hotel with a scary owner (Anthony Perkins) and his “mom.”  I wouldn’t consider this the most romantic of movies, but it’ll surely cause you to “get close” to your sweetheart. 

Next, Rosemary’s Baby—one I have yet to see.  The movie starring Mia Farrow came out in 1968, and is based on quite a birth.  Yep, Farrow apparently has a troubling pregnancy considering she’s carrying a not-so-nice baby.  Oddly enough, the movie was filmed in the Dakota building—the scene of John Lennon’s 1980 murder. 

Ok, this one I have seen, and truly, it’s downright gross.  You guessed it—I’m talking about 1973’s The Exorcist, also known as one of the best movies of all time.  If you’re the minority who hasn’t witnessed Linda Blair’s swiveling head and vicious vomiting, you’ll definitely want to Netflix this terrifying performance.  Basically, a Catholic priest makes the ultimate sacrifice facing off with the devil.

And what would a horror list be without Halloween…the original one.  Yes, the 1978 scary movie made Jamie Lee Curtis a memorable actress.  Simply put—get ready to close your eyes during this gory film, as psychotic killer Michael Myers goes on a major butchering spree.  You’ll have nightmares of his white mask.

Speaking of nightmares, you’ll be freaked if you watch The Amityville Horror—that’s because it’s based on a true story.  In the 1979 scary movie, a couple buys a house in the town of Amityville, despite knowing the scene of many killings.  (Really…who does that?!)  Anyway, to cut to the chase, their house is downright haunted—a mere hell on earth.  Intrigued?

The next is one of my personal picks of scary flicks—The Shining.  Yep, in 1980 Jack Nicholson made the line, “Heeeeere’s Johnny” famous.  In the movie, Nicholson plays the role of a good guy driven mad by evil ghosts that haunts his hotel.  In fact, the ghosts are so convincing and cruel, that Nicholson goes on a pursuit to kill his family.  You’ll have to check it out to see if they all survive…

And in 1982, many people became wary of their TV sets after watching Poltergeist.  In the movie, a little girl gets sucked into the TV, yearning to be rescued.  However, in 1984, Freddie Krueger came along.  Yep, the young Johnny Depp played the role of murderous Freddy in Nightmare on Elm Street, based on a freaky psychopath who comes back from the dead seeking revenge after his own killing.  Take note of his eerie razor fingers.

And this one is bound to give you a scare—The Silence of the Lambs.  Honestly, there’s not much freakier than Anthony Hopkins’ character Hannibal Lecter and his psychological games he plays with a FBI agent, Jodie Foster.  Somehow, the 1991 movie makes liver, beans, and Chianti somewhat appetizing………kind of.

Finally, it just wouldn’t be right omitting 2007’s Paranormal Activity.  The suspenseful film follows a young couple convinced the demon is in their house.  And the evil spirit is surely making his rounds—Paranormal Activity 3 recently hit the theatres.

So if you’re looking for a little cuddle time with your other-half, these movies are sure to make you two get up-close and personal.  As for me, I’m even more excited for Valentine’s Day, when I’ll be sure to share my hot list of chick flicks.

rsz nadine
