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10 Things to do This Weekend in Phoenix: Family Edition

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From a sweet "sundae" funday featuring a DIY ice cream bar to a super-cool mural project that changes weekly, get the family up and 'em for these fun Valley events for the whole gang during the weekend of August 24-26.



Mom's Moment: Party at the Princess

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My first born just turned 5. Queue the tears and OMG where did my baby go sob story. 

We obviously wanted to do something special for his 5th- something meaningful and memorable for family, close friends and his preferred invite list: his teachers.

Every summer we indulge in our favorite Valley staycation destination: the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. My kids are utterly obsessed with the property, often leaving asking if we can move...


10 Things to do This Weekend in Phoenix: Family Edition

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From the debut of "Newsies" at one of our favorite family-friendly theaters to a fest that's about to bring the mess (in the best way), here is where to be this weekend of August 17-19.




 “Newsies” by Valley Youth Theatre

As the first show of their 30th season, Valley Youth Theatre presents the musical, Newsies, now through August 26, on Center Stage at the Herberger Theater Center. Tickets for Newsies range from $16.50 to...


10 Things to do This Weekend in Phoenix: Family Edition

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From a brand-new mini bowling alley (so cool!) to a bunch of dino-themed fun, keep cool with these family-friendly events taking place the weekend of August 10-12.


Debut of “Newsies” by Valley Youth Theatre

As the first show of their 30th season, Valley Youth Theatre presents the musical, Newsies, from August 10 through August 26, on Center Stage at the Herberger Theater Center. Tickets for Newsies range from $16.50 to $35.50...


Meet Upcoming Valley Author, Kristin Smith

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We sat down with upcoming author, the Valley’s own Kristin Smith, to talk about her new kid-friendly, anti-bullying book. “Kona and the Dog Park Bully” follows the story of an adorable pup, Kona, as she goes through the ups and downs of making new friends.

Let’s meet Kristin Smith!


AFM: Yay for an Arizona State alum--go Sun Devils! What was your major in college? What sparked your interest in writing?

KS: “I received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from ASU (Class of 2005)

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