HomeFeaturesFeatures › 4 Fitness Trainers Who Tweet

We know our readers can't get enough of the people behind the "@." So here are four Valley fitness trainers that have us glued to Twitter.



As one of Scottsdale's elite personal trainers, Cory Schidler, travels to several different Valley locations ensuring his clients have easy access to personal fitness. Beginning with a one-on-one core physical assessment, Schidler can then determine the best fitness rountine needed to have his clients in tip top form.

Followers: 27

Following: 22

Number of Tweets: 9

Favorite Person to follow? Tony Robbins

Why did you start Tweeting? I want to help as many people as possible get healthy and fit.

What do you never Tweet about? I never Tweet about family. I only tweet about topics that can help people with heath and fitness.

What Tweet has generated the most response? None yet.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from? Now that I have a phone that I can Tweet from I am sure I will be Tweeting in different places. Ask me next year and I should have a list of strange Tweet locations.

How do you choose who you follow? I only follow reputable people. If I don't know them, I don't follow.

iPhone or Blackberry? Samsung Droid