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Spartan Training in Chandler is a great place to start working on your fitness, leading the way with their personal training. Owners and trainers, Vicki and Robert Leasure are thoroughly committed to helping clients achieve their workout goals and lose weight.

Followers: 784

Following: 714

Number of Tweets: 453

Favorite person to follow? I really don't have a favorite person to follow. Usually, I try to follow colleagues in my profession who are important or interesting and have new ideas to discuss.

Why did you start Tweeting? August 2009 was when I started. I was invited by a client to join. Since then, Twitter has evolved into a social media marketing network that can open the door to building trusted business relationships.

What do you never Tweet about? I try to maintain a professional level of dialogue.

What Tweet has generated the most response? I really have no idea. Most of my activity on Twitter is a direct message.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from? I do not use my Blackberry to tweet...too tedious.

How do you choose who you follow? I try to follow colleagues in my profession who are important or interesting.