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Jason Richardson, No. 23, is a guard for the Phoenix Suns. His first two years in the NBA, Richardson earned the NBA Rookie Challenge MVP and All-Rookie Team First Team honors. Known for his exceptional dunking skills, he went on to capture back-to-back NBA Slam Dunk crowns. Playing with the Golden State Warriors and the Charlotte Bobcats, Richardson joined the Suns in 2008.

Followers: 55,625

Following: 186

Number of Tweets: 1,261

Favorite person to follow?

Rickey Smiley or Kevin Hart because those two guys are pretty funny.

Why did you start Tweeting?

My marketing manager told me about it in 2008 and about how the fans can interact with you, so I got into it then.

What do you never Tweet about?

For me nothing is sinister, so I pretty much Tweet everything.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

There have been so many of them. Probably when I Tweet about the team or Tweet pictures.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?


How do you choose who you follow?

If a fan wants me to follow them then I’ll usually follow, but if you Tweet too much–I call them ‘Speed Tweeters’– then I won’t follow you in a second!

iPhone or BlackBerry?
