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Jeramie McPeek is the vice president of digital operations for the Phoenix Suns. He is the editor-at-large for Hoop Magazine. Working for the Suns for more than 17 seasons, McPeek received the Web site of the year award in 2007.

Followers: 5,310

Following: 3,140

Number of Tweets: 7,557

Favorite person to follow?

That’s really hard to say, as I’m following so many people from all walks of life. I guess the ones that come to mind first, though, are the athletes who have really embraced Twitter and who actively engage their fans. Guys like @JaredDudley619, @The_Real_Nash, @Kurt13Warner, @OchoCinco, @DwightHoward. As a lifelong sports fan myself, I just really appreciate the effort these guys put in to connect with fans in a way that was never possible before social media.

Why did you start Tweeting?

I started Tweeting a few days after Shaq in November 2008, primarily because I didn’t understand what it was he was doing. I had heard of Twitter before that, of course, but didn’t really get it. Much like Shaq, though, I quickly realized how valuable a communication tool it was.

What do you never Tweet about?

As a brand ambassador for the Suns, I won’t ever Tweet out criticism of our team, coaches or management, of course. That’s one thing I stress when teaching co-workers about how to use Twitter. It’s important to use common sense and remember that we are representing our organization when on Twitter.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

I get a lot of responses when I Tweet out news about our team or interesting quotes and anecdotes from behind-the-scenes. Our fans love to get that inside access. Obviously, I get a lot of responses whenever I give away tickets or Suns memorabilia. But I think the non-Suns Tweet that generated the most responses was when I Tweeted moments before going in for a vasectomy this past summer. I got a lot of ‘TMI’ replies, of course, but I also got a lot of replies from fellow fathers empathizing with my plight and offering some good advice for my recovery.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

I enjoy Tweeting from unique places. I’ve Tweeted from the dentist’s chair, from 30,000 feet in the sky, from my car moments after being rear-ended this summer. I’ve Tweeted from the top of the Empire State Building and the Space Needle in Seattle. I’ve Tweeted from the Suns’ locker room, the Arizona Diamondbacks’ dugout and the field of the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia. I sent a Tweet from inside Turner Studios in Atlanta, from the NBA Draft Lottery in New Jersey, from inside Facebook’s headquarters in Palo Alto, and from the famous Yoda fountain at Lucasfilm when I was in San Francisco this September. I’ve been blessed to be able to visit a lot of fun places, and I enjoy sharing those experiences with my followers.

How do you choose who you follow?

Well, I’m following a lot of people. Probably too many actually, as I end up missing a lot of great Tweets. But I follow a lot of athletes, teams and leagues, to keep up with the sports world and to see what other creative promotions or campaigns are being executed via Twitter. I follow a lot of the social media experts that I’ve met at the various conferences I’ve spoken at over the past couple years. I follow hundreds of Suns fans, of course, as well as fans of Star Wars, pro wrestling and fantasy football. In other words, I follow people who have similar interests as me.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

The Motorola R2D2 Droid by Verizon. I was a BlackBerry guy for years, but had to make the switch when the Star Wars-edition Droid came out this fall.