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Hakim Warrick, No. 21, is a power forward for the Phoenix Suns. Starting his professional career in 2005, Warrick has played with the Memphis Grizzlies, Milwaukee Bucks, Chicago Bulls and now the Suns over the past five years. While in Memphis, Warrick did public service announcements for Fight Free Fifty, an initiative that encouraged students in Memphis City Schools to go 50 days without fighting. His greatest basketball accomplishment was when he helped Syracuse win the NCAA Title.

Followers: 7,693

Following: 106

Number of Tweets: 1,747

Favorite person to follow?

Kanye, A hundred Miles and Running

Why did you start Tweeting?

Friends were trying to get me to get on for over a year, so I finally said, ‘Let me try it out,’ and I liked it so I stuck with it.

What do you never Tweet about?

I try not to Tweet my location or where I am going.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

Probably when I ask questions like who is your favorite rapper? Or favorite album?

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

I don’t really have a strange place. Wherever I’m at, I Tweet.

How do you choose who you follow?

People who are funny or say things that are interesting.

iPhone or BlackBerry?
