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Stress Less

Persistent stress can cause a lot of problems (high blood pressure and heart disease, to name a few). It can even add to your muffin top thanks to a combo of cortisol and mindless noshing. That’s why the Pelican Hill team tackles it head on, teaching you the benefits of breathing, meditating and yoga. Plus the program includes two tension-taming massages at its five-star spa: the Slow Down, a muscle-melter that irons out kinks; and Amber Gold, a detoxifying dry brush/rubdown combo.

Reflect More

Renewing your sense of self is also an integral part of the program. The discussion on Day One will turn your thoughts inward and help feed your mind just like food and exercise feed your body. Yes, there are group activities aplenty, but there’s also ample alone time. It’s during these agenda-free moments when life really seems to slow down. You’ll emerge richer in spirit and renewed in confidence. And that’s the ultimate take-home message.

OVER THE HILL: At Pelican Hill, guests learn to eat and stress less and exercise and reflect more.

Pelican Hill www.pelicanhill.com.