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What's a Kindle, again?


6.) You’ve been meaning to buy a Kindle

On iPad, you have iBooks, which displays full-color bestsellers with all illustrations and turnable pages. You can read during the day or at night because it’s back-lit. The iBooks store allows you to download tons of titles, just like iTunes, that are placed on an adorable little digital bookshelf. Best of all, it connects with your computer and iPhone, so your library and bookmarks are held across your devices.


Still in love with the Kindle? No prob, just download the iPad Kindle app.


7.) You can make good use of that Netflix membership

The DVD mailbox sessions are getting old, aren’t they? The free Netflix app, ABC app and Hulu apps allow you to stream hundreds of TV shows on your own terms.


8.) You don’t like to waste paper, but love to read

Whether it’s a mountain of Wall Street Journals or a stack of Elle and Arizona Foothills Magazines, your favorite media can fill a recycling bin or two- to say the least. Subscribe to your favorite magazines and newspapers via iTunes and the iPad app Zinio. You’ll get the latest real-world and fashion news delivered to your e-mail the seconds it hits newsstands.

9.) You’d like some ambiance music with that, please

iTunes is formulated to play in the background of most other apps, so Eminem can come with you! 


10.) You want to look damn cool

No smart phone or HP looks anywhere as cool as an iPad. You know it. It fits in your Prada and you look sleek, minimalist and technologically savvy, don’t you?


When will the world learn? Apple tells us to buy something, we buy it. End of story.


Stay Geeky!