HomeFeaturesTech › Inspectress Gadget: Stop Dragging Your Feet and Get an iPad.

When it first came out, people laughed at the iPad. Remember? People said it had no place in our world, and “iTampon” was a trending topic on Twitter.  Now, naysayers are wondering how they ever even lived with only their iPhone and MacBook, and without their intermediary apparatus.

Do what he says.

But when do you use it, you ask? Isn’t it just a big iPhone?


Short answer: No. It’s a device for patrollin’ the internet like a gangsta: you can consume videos, TV, magazines, newspapers and bloggage, all in one cute contraption. It has GPS, a gyroscope and a whole slew of other sensory inputs your other devices don't have.

Long answer: Our Top Ten Reasons to pull the trigger and make that purchase.


1.) It’s prime lounging gadgetry

Nobody wants to recline on a fluffy sectional underneath a smoking hot laptop with a fan that sounds like a blow dryer. No need to plug in, boot up and awkwardly sit with your massive PC anymore.


2.) Work e-mails stress you out

Separate work and play by keeping company e-mails on your laptop. Reserve your iPad for play, and enjoy AZFoothills.com uninterrupted.


3.) You want to impress at meetings
Whip one of these bad boys out to display powerpoint presentations, take notes or show off your company homepage for instant high-tech points.

4.) You’re a traveler

With a 12-hour battery life, you can watch a full season of Dexter or a dozen Law and Order: SVU episodes end-to-end. Travel across the world with not a second of boredom.

5.) Lightning Speed- on the go and at home

Whether you choose the Wi-Fi model or the 3G model, the iPad is quicker than any laptop or cell phone. Peruse Web sites, read a book or fire off e-mails at superhuman speeds.