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Mathew Blades is a 13-year radio veteran who cracks the mic on Mix 96.9. 

Matthew Blades  

Following: 168

Followers: 432

Tweets: 1,353

Favorite person to follow?  Musically, I like to follow @ThisIsRobThomas. From a sports side I like to follow @DarrenDreger.

Why did you start Tweeting? I started Tweeting because I wanted to engage in conversation with people I wouldn't normally be able to have a chance to talk with. 

 What do you never Tweet about? 

I never Tweet about what I am eating.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

 We recently announced our Breast Cancer Awareness campaign, 'Bras for a Cause' and a lot of people are reTweeting and replying to the posts about this event. I am glad that people are able to spread the news about an event that will bring awareness to the Valley that early detection is key.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

My whole life is strange.


How do you choose who you follow?

I follow people that can help me professionally and those that are interesting.  I also follow people that Tweet inspiration, different hockey players, since I am a hockey nut, and people who don't tell me what they ate for dinner!


iPhone or BlackBerry? 

BlackBerry, of course.