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nina d

This California native Nina D calls herself a Twitterholic. You can catch her on Movin 97.5.

Following: 641

Followers: 133

Tweets: 10,657

Favorite person to follow?

@ddockett. He's hilarious. 

Why did you start Tweeting?

I started because our engineer and another DJ (@mikeg975) were telling me about this 'awesome new thing' I needed to look into for when I'm on air. I thought it was really cool how you could connect with listeners in a very one-on-one way.

What do you never Tweet about?

Politics. Oh, and I never Tweet about bad restaurants. I'll Tweet about a good one all day, but if it's bad (cringe) I just don't go there. Can't do it.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

My Twitpics seem to get a lot of responses, only because people like to see what I'm talking about in certain instances. Tweets about my twp dogs get a lot of love, but the most response was probably when I Tweeted/Twitpic'd about my Lady Gaga concert outfit. Trouble. LOL.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

On the toilet in a US Airways Center restroom. It was the fourth quarter in the playoffs, and I had to pee so bad. I had to Tweet for scores and replies. I can't believe I told you that.

How do you choose who you follow?

I follow family, friends, listeners, colleagues, clients and anyone who just keeps it real. The people I follow seem to love life and are genuine in their Tweets, so we're alike in that regard.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

My Blackberry is a part of my body at this point.