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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.

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There's something special about today...just look at the calendar.  Because of the date, many couples are becoming man and wife.  Check out what one Arizona officiate is saying about the wedding biz.

Take the plunge and tie the knot—today!  That’s because it’s 11.11.11, in case you haven’t noticed.  However, if you really are considering a shotgun wedding, you’ll want to think quick.  Valley officiates are overflowing with ceremonies all day long.

“As of Thursday, 10 pastors from my company, Arizona Ministers, will lead 22 wedding celebrations,” said Phillip Waring, Founding Minister, Arizona Ministers.

And one can assume requests continue to roll in.

Phillip Waring has been in the officiate biz since 1977 when he launched Arizona Ministers.  He’s married more than 10,200 AZ couples, including local celebs.  He’s surely the Valley’s go-to-guy for faith-based or civil ceremonies; and whether religion factors in, he demands each ceremony be intimate and meaningful.

“I built this ministry by crafting and performing wedding ceremonies that are spiritual, emotional, romantic, and personal,” he said.

Personal, but fast, if you’re saying “I do,” today.  He says unique dates are on demand…Waring remembers performing an array of ceremonies on 7.7.77, 8.8.88, and 9.9.99.

“12-12-12 should be one of the biggest days for weddings next year.”

Waring chose the wedding route at a young age—ten years old.  That’s when he attending his first nuptials, instantly falling in love with the holy union.  He was raised in a patent heavily Catholic Chicago suburb being very involved in the church.  Waring learned how to be a leader, and years later, he had his initiation marrying a couple at the Arizona Biltmore.

“It was for Jim and Marilyn.  Things took off from there.”

Now thousands of weddings later, Waring runs quite a successful business, offering a handful of passionate ministers available for Arizona brides and grooms.  And the best part of all…Waring works with his wife.

“It’s great.  Gwen is an ordained minister as well.”

Phillip and Gwen practice what they preach: honoring their vows to forever be a constant friend and faithful partner.  That’s why if you’re one of the many couples tying the knot today, take some two-cents from the happy couple. 

“Marry the right person; many do not. Accept changes; they are certain. Understand you are loved when you might feel you are not; the sun always shines above the clouds.  You are the lifelong president of each other's fan club and it requires a great deal of attention and encouragement. Keep a journal of the good times, and leave it behind as a family legacy. Be the couple other couples aspire to become.”

To get hitched, visit: http://www.arizonaministers.com 

rsz nadine
