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Are you and your man baby ready?  Here are some savvy tips to better your chances of getting pregnant.

Oh baby; are you thinking of bringing a bundle of joy into your happy home?  Well, forget the stress and pressure to conceive; instead, opt for the boutique, integrative approach to getting pregnant.

“It’s all about preparing your body to have a baby,” said Dr. Cristina Romero-Bosch, NMD.

Dr. Cristina Romero-Bosch, NMD runs her private naturopathic practice in North Scottsdale helping eager moms and dads get baby-ready.  She is often approached by wannabe-parents who can’t seem to get pregnant; a tormenting and emotionally draining situation.  That’s why she offers her clients pre-conception consultations, taking a rather natural approach before resorting to methods like in vitro-fertilization.

“The first thing you must do is visualize success,” said Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD.

Yes, “the secret” stands firm, even when getting preggers.

The doctor says a majority of her clients are career-oriented women wanting a child at a “later” age (35+).  Those ladies tend to fear their likelihood of getting pregnant; but Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD believes manifesting a positive outcome will have promising results.

“Realistically, your inside health is a major reflection of your fertility.”

The next step to reaching success is preparing your body for a baby.  Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD says three things come into play when baby-making: hormones, nutrition, and lifestyle.

When it comes to hormones, you’ll want to ask your man to get his testosterone levels tested.  As sensitive as this may be, healthy testosterone equal a healthy libido.  And this is just as important for gals.  According to Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD, many women opt for testosterone replacement pills, so it’s essential both parties are hormone ready.

In addition, it’s important females check their thyroid levels because abnormal results can lead to low libido, fatigue, restless sleep, and weight gain; all signs of a sluggish metabolism.

“Getting pregnant goes hand-in-hand with a healthy metabolism.”

The second key factor for getting pregnant is nutrition, and Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD says it’s all about checking your deficiencies; in fact, nutrient deficiencies are one of the main reasons why women have a tough time conceiving.

The doctor suggests dining on iodine-rich foods such as sea salt, kelp, seaweed sheets, and miso.  It’s also a good idea to fill up on Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits) and Zinc (nuts).  You can always take a test to determine your deficiencies.

Keep in mind good metabolism is your key to pregnancy success.  You might want to consider asking your doctor to measure your metabolic rate; an average body temperature and good heart rate are indicators of your metabolism.

Finally, Dr. Romero-Bosch, NMD says you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy pregnancy.  This means eating leafy greens, exercising, and backing off from excessive amounts of booze, smoking, and drugs.

And to top things off, our local doc is also myth-busting, claiming it doesn’t matter what time of the month you do the deed.  She says sex with an end goal is a huge stress; instead, make it all about lovemaking.

“Do it in every and any position; loving it will increase your chances.”

For more information on Dr. Cristina Romero-Bosch, NMD, visit:  www.iluminartherapy.com


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