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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.”  Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots.  She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


What is your man thinking during sex?

Brace yourself—we’re taking a trip inside your boy’s brain.

Yes, it turns out we are not the only ones wondering what the other person’s thinking during doing the deed.  In fact, the male mind is quite active when it comes to making love.

Just ask Joann Cohen, a Scottsdale relationship consultant who has talked to a number of men ages 23-59 about sex.  (www.joanncohen.com)

She is revealing the #1 concern among guys; a concern many hesitate admitting.

“A huge fear is that they will not last long enough,” said Joann Cohen, a Valley relationship consultant.

Sorry guys, you actually have reason to be concerned.

Cohen says science shows men average 4 minutes entry to blast-off, while women usually take ten or eleven minutes.

I know; no fair.  However, there’s hope.

Get this—Cohen says men will think about an array of things to side-track their mind; therefore, postponing the big “O.”

“I’ve talked to guys who think of baseball scores just to keep things going,” said Cohen.

Run that batter in, baby.

Another big concern among boys: size.  Turns out, size matters more to him, than to her.

Here’s some advice to all you guys out there—chill out; most likely, you are big enough.  Cohen says many men underestimate their size, perhaps comparing themselves to porn stars, when in fact; most of them fall right into the norm.  Get out your ruler; the average erect adult size is 5.5-6.2 inches in length and 4.7-5.1 inches in girth.  And as it turns out, girth has a greater impact than length.

“Women don’t prefer longer, but wider.”

See guys, size doesn’t necessarily matter--really it’s just about your big bag of tricks.  That’s why Cohen suggests kicking it up a notch in the bedroom with your monogamous partner.