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Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.”  Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots.  She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Oh Charlie—a self-proclaimed "winner" with quite an entertaining warlock of words.  He calls himself an F-18, but to many on-lookers, he’s frankly a train-wreck.


Sheen seems to make one unusual appearance after another--he’s on every newscast, he’s the buzz all over the Internet, and his ridiculous rants and raves are now featured in a Droid application and his catch-phrases are popping up in every day conversation.  (How many times have you said “winner” today?)


So the million-dollar question remains.  What the hell is wrong with Charlie Sheen?

“It’s very obvious he’s in a manic state with an active addiction,” said Jason Fierstein MA, LPC.

Good old Charlie might want to consider reaching out to Jason Fierstein, a Licensed Counselor in Phoenix.  Our local mental health specialist is weighing in, offering his 2-cents on Mr. Sheen.

“I certainly think there are major issues he hasn’t attended to,” said Fierstein.


Fierstein says Sheen’s sex addiction plus drug addiction equals one big mess—and both stimulants are simply covering up deeper problems.

Like any addiction, Fierstein explains we try to look for things to satisfy certain cravings or unmet emotional needs. Often, those things spiral out of control so we turn to unhealthy forms of fulfillment like drugs or excessive, irresponsible sex.  It’s a criteria Charlie seems to fit quite perfectly, considering the porn stars and prostitutes making up his ensemble.

“Addiction is the symptom—depression lies underneath.”

Fierstein also suggests there’s a possibility Sheen suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, one of the many personality disorders 10% of the population is faced with. Narcissists endure grandiosity and maintain an inflated sense of self, something Fierstein says is common among celebrities.  Basically, these people tend to be 100% self-centered with minimal consideration for others.

I suppose all you have to do is take a listen to Charlie to assume he has this disorder.  He calls himself a “winner,” with “one speed, one gear, and that’s ‘go.’”

“It seems like the people that surround him feed and enable that.”

His posse seems to be fueling the fire, supporting the actor worth millions as he waves a machete for the world to see.

And all his bizarre behavior got us thinking—is this grown man even aware of his erratic actions?  Fierstein thinks not.