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The world has changed so much in the last few decades. It will continue to change. The skills that are valued now are not the skills of the past. It will evolve as the world changes. What is lucrative today may have been lucrative in the past, but other skills that used to be very valuable aren’t worth what they were. There are some clear skills to impart to kids when they are young so that they can live the best, most prosperous life possible. From all the STEM courses to life skills that aren’t taught in schools, below are the best skills for children to learn early.


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, otherwise known as (STEM), are some of the most important skills for just about anyone to learn. STEM is a lot easier for children to learn early on in life. These skills are needed at the highest paying and most secure jobs. If you don’t work in STEM, you simply probably won’t make as much money. The kids will be better prepared for the world of the future. Of course, not every person wants to work in STEM. Mathematics, especially, isn't something that every person wants to do. It requires an interest and a mind that leans towards these fields in general. Still, if your kid has an inclination for STEM, it should be cultivated early.  


Coding is one of the skills anyone can learn these days. Of course, it is a part of STEM but specifically coding is a valuable skill. Coding is a skill that is transferable to a lot of fields. People will always need coders. They will always need someone to improve their technology in this way. Whatever the field, coding is paramount to the world we live in. There are even coding camps for kids. When a child is interested in technology, you should cultivate their interest early. Do what you can to build these interests and turn them into full-fledged skills. Then the skills will become second nature, becoming a part of who they are.

Computer Programming

A step further is to computer program. Computer programming is a highly paid skill that can be utilized in all kinds of companies and fields. Coding is a part of programming, but this technological skill is more than that. Computer software programs run the world in a lot of ways. If you get your child to learn these skills early, you won’t have to worry about them finding a good job. They will be able to create computer programs for elite companies that could end up changing the world. In STEM, programming is a versatile and important job. You can help your child find a calling early.

Playing an Instrument

Playing an instrument is one of the best things to learn when you are young because it gets harder as you get older. You should have your kid start playing an instrument when they are young and continue it through their teenage and young adult years. When a child learns how to play an instrument, they will carry that skill with them for the rest of their lives. It’s a lot easier to become a successful musician when you first learn as a child. Becoming a professional musician isn’t easy. However, if a child loves music there are few things to cultivate young that come close to learning how to play.

Learning Languages

Learning a language is like playing a musical instrument. It’s so much easier to retain and continue practicing when you start young, especially with a good teacher. Language can open the doors to all kinds of opportunities. Whether one of the parents speaks the language or you just want to give them a leg up in the culture, there are a lot of opportunities that come from the skills of language. They will get to do things other people never have the chance to.

It’s a lot easier to learn life skills when you are young. You retain more because your mind is fresh, and everything is new. That’s why we should do our best to find the things that children love and cultivate them. What do they excel at? How can they use these skills in the future? Whether you have kids or are helping kids you know, above are some of the best skills to learn young. Whether it’s STEM or art, a lot is to be gained by cultivating a child early.