HomeFeaturesHealth › 4 Ways Writing Skills Are Affected By Your Health State


As a writer, you need your mental and physical health in agreement to produce good content on paper. If your health state is not at its best, you may end up creating incoherent pieces. You could even have an essay writing service handle your midterm paper if you feel your health will suffer instead of submitting a shoddy job to your professor.

Many people often ignore their health, and it helps to spread knowledge on mental and physical health to make people start taking their wellbeing more seriously. For the same reason, students are encouraged to eat healthily and stay fit in college because when their health suffers, their grades follow suit. It may be hard to convince someone who has a writing deadline to take care of their health first. So we decided to discuss the ways your health can affect the quality of your writing.

Writers’ health affects their ability to understand writing guidelines

Mental health issues have a way of making it difficult for our minds to assimilate important information. While people may advise you to write while depressed, it is essential to know the kind of writing you have on your table. Writing is different from other arts like painting, whereby artists get away with easy depression drawings.

When you are depressed as a writer, you may only want to write things that reflect your feelings, which can be creative. However, when your professor demands that you write something specific, your depression may not bring the inspiration you need. In such a scenario, you will need to understand the task, requiring lots of research. And when you are battling these mental and physical health issues, you will struggle to focus on the writing guidelines, which will affect the quality of your output.

Illnesses can distort a writer’s thinking process

To write a quality piece, you must have a coherent thought process, and your health has a lot to do with the clarity or the ambiguity of your thought process. For example, if you are dealing with anxiety or depression, you may occasionally struggle to complete writing tasks. Your thoughts and worries could cloud your mind, distracting you.

If you are ill or in pain, your brain will receive messages that will not allow you to focus on what you are doing. Your body will prioritize self-preservation by fighting the illness in often uncomfortable processes, leaving you unable to think of the task at hand. While there are mental tricks you can use to distract yourself from the pain, you would do a better writing job if you spent your brainpower on your task.

Tiredness can induce hasty and sloppy writing

Tiredness is a symptom of many medical health issues, so fatigue will most likely come into play if you fall sick. And unluckily, writing is as much a physical task as it is a mental one. Many writers make mistakes because they believe writing requires only mental strength, so they ignore any physical influence until it completely derails them.

But how can you write when your hands cannot find the strength to move? Your fatigue will significantly affect your writing skills, forcing you to take shortcuts or rush your work. In that state, even the simplest writing demands will start to seem more difficult than if you had to summarize thesaurus. While your mind may be up to the task, your body will bail out on you, causing you all sorts of problems.

A writer’s ability to retain information depends on their state of health

To write something unique, you need to be able to recall the information from your research. Even if you are writing fiction, remembering the critical plot twists that came to you in your eureka moments will go a long way in making your book enjoyable. Writing while healthy and happy can be just as important as your skills and ideas because in that joyous state, you will retain information and interpret them to your audience in creative ways.

On the other hand, science proves that psychological traumas, depression, and other similar issues affect memory. When struggling with a poor state of health, even a coherent thesaurus won’t do much to help you remember the right words to convey your thoughts. Your writing efficiency will suffer as you will often repeat research just to recall details you forgot.

Final thoughts

Writers should be in excellent mental and physical health to produce enjoyable and readable papers. Even the most skilled writers would struggle to live up to expectations if they had to write while battling health challenges. So before you start writing that fantastic book you have dreamed of, ensure you are in good health, as your health will significantly affect your writing.