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WHAT DRIVES YOU TO BE A GOOD STUDENT? I work to impress myself and fulfill my own curiosity and pride. I think that I am fortunate because I do have a natural interest in many things others find boring that helps me to do well academically. Therefore, I would say that the main thing that drives me to be a good student is my desire to do well for its own sake, and so that I can go to the colleges where I think I can best reach my full potential.

HOW HAS BEING A STUDENT AT PCDS IMPACTED YOU? PCDS has inspired me with a sense of individuality and control of my education that few schools can compete with. I rarely feel forced when it comes to my education, and instead feel that I am pursuing my own interests in ways I find fascinating more often than not. The teachers express obvious carea bout me and my personal development, and I have never felt as though I were just a name in a sea of students. Instead, I am constantly thankful for the amount of individual attention available.

WHAT TEACHERS INSPIRE YOU? Almost all of my teachers have inspired me throughout my 13 years at PCDS; however, I would say that Dr. Allison and Mrs. Driscoll played the largest part in forming my interest in and love of the English language. Likewise, Mr. Martin has helped to form my curiosity for historical cause and effect.

HOW DO YOU RELATE TO AND DIFFER FROM YOUR PEERS? Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and mine happen to be mostly centered in the academic realm. Obviously, I relate to some students more than others, but at PCDS I generally feel at home and I am surrounded by like-minded individuals who all care about their education.

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SUCCESS? I think that being allowed to design my own curriculum and teach my own class on programming at PCDS Summer Camp is the achievement of which I am most proud because it made me feel respected by the faculty and showed that they trusted my abilities.

WHERE DO YOU PLAN TO ATTEND COLLEGE? My first choice would be Stanford, with a bias toward the West Coast where I have spent most of mysummers. I am also partial toward other academically competitive schools on the East Coast.

WITH COLLEGE AROUND THE CORNER, WHAT PERSONAL GOALS KEEP YOU FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE? I want to maintain my academic success while simultaneously exploring my passions further next year by working harder in robotics as a senior member of the team and through tutoring or other outside activities.

WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS? I am not entirely sure what field I will go into when all is said and done, but I hope to be able to provide for my family and live a comfortable life while still feeling that my work significantly and positively impacts the lives of those around me. For that reason, my first choice at the moment is biomedical research.