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AFM: What is your favorite site to use?

AM: I think the most powerful one is Twitter. In using it I know I can drive people to Web sites and drop them on a certain page if you need page views or things of that nature and have it actually counted and get the ROI on it. Twitter also helps with some SEO rankings. When it’s done right it’s very powerful and you can direct someone immediately. Say for instance you want to buy a wine and you ask me, “Hey, where do I buy your wine?” I can give you the link right away and send you right to the app on your phone instantly.


AFM: Can it be overwhelming?

AM: There are different accounts within Twitter. There are promo accounts and there are brand accounts that send out maybe a few tweets a day. But that’s the benefit of being a known brand. They don’t really have to tweet that much. People will retweet them to their friends and it will be posted thousands and thousands of times. So there are many different levels of Twitter accounts. There is so much to be learned with Twitter. For instance, I have a Twitter account and let’s say I have 30,000 people following me and I follow equal amounts. There is no way I can go onto my timeline, the feed, and actually know people. So, what you do is put things in lists.


AFM: So it’s important to organize your Twitter lists?

AM: It is. Very. And that’s how you can get through it.