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AFM: Does it seem like a lot of people aren’t aware of that and just use one system to cover everything?

AM: I think a lot of people try a bunch of different things and just don’t know what to do. So I do what I call a “Spray and Pray.” But if you are able to understand what each social media outlet is actually used for and what they actually need, they can go, “I need a job. I should be on LinkedIn” but they don’t know. If they go on Twitter and say, “I need a job,” nothing happens. Or on Facebook, “I’m unemployed” and share with their friends, “Do you have a job?” So they should know what outlets to use for what they need. And it’s important to talk to somebody or get some advice from someone to tell you “This is what you need right now” and “Focus on this instead of this” to get the results they are looking for.


AFM: Is there such a thing as being too involved in social media for a company?

AM: I’ve seen some. When a company gets a little too expressive. For instance, on every single comment on Facebook they are replying to everything, tagging a bunch of people and they want to start this whole chain and encourage people to tag their friends. Or on Twitter they are constantly doing shout outs. Even on company profiles, I’ve seen it done before where they are constantly doing shout outs rather than engagement and content as well about the product or asking people how they are doing. So, they can be too excessive in a message as well.


AFM: What are things to avoid when using social media?

AM: Well, you shouldn’t curse or be negative. But you know sometimes, if it’s a personal account, it can get that way. For a brand or anything else, you should always stay positive, upbeat and draw people in a good way that’s grateful. Show gratitude at all times.


AFM: Are there any drawbacks to using it?

AM: There can be, absolutely, if you say the wrong things. If you correct it in the right way, it’s just like anything. But social is the most economical way to advertise and get your word out and be interactive with the customer instantly.