HomeFeaturesFeatures › Fiddler on the Roof Takes the Stage at ASU Gammage

Fiddler on the Roof has entertained audiences everywhere for decades, and now it takes its turn at ASU Gammage. The emotional play is always a sell-out at the box office, and it’s no wonder. Fiddler on the Roof captures the essence of a traditional Jewish family during the early 1900’s. AZFoothills.com got an exclusive interview with cast member John Preece who plays, Tevye, the father of five daughters.

Q: How did you get your start in acting?

A: I started my first show in high school and then went to college to get my degree in acting and musical theater. Shortly after, I moved to New York to start acting there. 

Q: Compared to your numerous other roles in Broadway, is there something particularly unique or different about this one?
A: It’s a huge role, it’s a two-hour and forty-five minute long play and I’m on the stage for two-and-a-half hours so it gets to be physically demanding. The timing is very important and there is a large emotional portion to the role. I’ve been playing this role for 20 years, but really got into it in 1990. Since starting, I’ve done 1700 Tevye performances total!

Q: How do you usually prepare for a role?
A: Since I’ve played the role 1700 times, I’ve pretty much got it down. We sometimes do things differently according to the cast.

Q: What three words would you use to describe your character “Tevye” or the play?
A: He’s a father, a strong religious man, and the play is a comedy.

Q: Do you have a favorite song from the Musical? What is it about?
A: I really like the song in the second act where the father has to throw his daughter out of the family because she has married outside the faith. He sings a song about how much he loved her and how sorry he is that all this happened.

Q: In the spirit of tradition, what’s the night before/day of show time like? Are there any pre-show rituals for you and the production?
A: We vocalize and get our bodies ready to get up and perform.

Q: For someone who hasn’t seen “Fiddler on the Roof,” why would you recommend going to see it?
A: The set, the costumes and choreographer is very similar to the original production. The cast is very good, the music is live, and the public should know it’s a family show and there’s something for everybody. This is a piece of history, and not a musical that somebody made up. It’s is a chunk of history and reality of what actually happened to a family. Also, there is great comic timing, the audience laughs a lot and there’s also an emotional element to the show. If you haven’t seen it before, it’s definitely something you should see.

Check out an interview with the cast-members on this Daily 60! Fiddler on the Roof will play at ASU Gammage through April 3. To buy tickets visit: www.asugammage.com .