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Katie Stephens, Partner, General Manager and Wine Director at Beckett’s Table and Southern Rail

Instagram: @southernrailaz; @BeckettsTable

I chose this as my career because once you fall in love with hospitality, it is hard to give it up. And once you get that wine bug, it’s a beautiful pairing. 

I hope my greatest contribution to the Valley culinary scene is to make great wine approachable and easier to understand. The primary goal is to demystify wine and encourage all to raise a glass.

The many people I encounter daily is what I love most about what I do. Having enough time in the day to coordinate the many facets of restaurant operations is the biggest challenge.

I separate myself and my brand from others in this field by active listening. I learn so much by absorbing information from others, it encourages growth for myself.

I draw inspiration from amazing women around me. 

My New Year’s resolution every year is to be joyful daily, appreciate every situation and to be kind to others. 

My greatest advice to share with young girls is never underestimate the lessons learned today. These lessons will ultimately guide your journey.