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AZ Giving

Oct. 3: Cruise for Wildlife


Nature enthusiasts all over the Valley are counting the days until Liberty Wildlife’s first-ever Cruise for Wildlife.

The cruise will be led by Clint Sutter, certified captain and Lake Pleasant expert, who will share his knowledge about the surrounding area and the native peoples who once inhabited it. If timing is right, guests may encounter wild bald eagles and other Arizona wildlife...


Celebrity Psychic to Receive Hope Award at Debbie Gaby’s 2015 Celebrity Catwalk

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American author, profiler and medium Allison DuBois will be honored for her work with a Hope Award at Debbie Gaby’s 2015 Celebrity Catwalk presented by Honor Health.  Ms. Dubois’ psychic abilities has assisted U.S. law enforcement officials in solving crimes, forming the basis of the TV series Medium starring Patricia...


Kicking Cancer on the Catwalk

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Story by: Sara Goodwin

Assistance In Healthcare, a West Valley charity, will kick off its second-annual Project Pink in October. This charity fashion show brings Valley men and women together to help the cancer patients of Phoenix.

Having cancer is tough on everyone -- for the patients, it's the physical drain of the disease and treatments; for relatives and friends, it’s the emotional drain that comes with this terrible, incurable disease. But then there’s the financial aspect. Cancer treatments are expensive and when patients are paying hospital bills, there’s less money that can be...


A New Leaf: Telling Untold Stories, Rachel


Abused, A Single Mom, and Fighting for Her Kids

Rachel* speaks quietly, often times with tears in her eyes. Her little daughters, Jesse, 3-years-old and Megan, 4, sit nearby, smiling and chatting while they play with their toys. The girls never seem to notice their mother’s tears as they ask her to clasp their toy jewelry or give them a drink.

Rachel has a troubled past, checkered with domestic violence from childhood onward.

At the young age of 13, she was left alone at night while her mother worked. She started a relationship with a boyfriend who was physically...


Charitable Bridal Expo Comes to Phoenix


On Aug. 29, Phoenix brides-to-be will be in for a treat—the traveling bridal expo Brides Against Breast Cancer will make the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa their storefront for the day. But brides will be able to benefit more than just themselves at the event; revenue generated from dress sales will also benefit those with breast cancer.

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