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In an effort to protect this the homeless and elderly shut-in population during the hot summer months, Phoenix Rescue Mission is launching its city-wide 5th annual Code:Red Summer Heat Relief Campaign.

Beginning May 1 and running through August 31, Phoenix Rescue Mission will partner with several businesses and municipalities, including the cities of Phoenix, Peoria and Glendale, to distribute water, white socks, toiletries, cool snack packs, hats, light-colored T-shirts, sunglasses, sunscreen, chapstick, chilly neck coolers, monetary donations and more.

The Mission is in urgent need of volunteer drivers to support its Hope Coach Outreach program. The Hope Coach Outreach program is a central part of Code Red as it enables the Mission to get the much-needed life-saving supplies to those living on the streets throughout the Valley.

Public drop-off sites for water, socks, sunscreen, hats, toiletries and other heat relief items are located throughout the Valley. For a complete list of items needed and drop-off locations, visit www.phoenixrescuemission.org